Welcome Into My Life!

My Story

Autobiographical Film

max krohn

You're looking at one of Adashun Jones's newest realtors!

I figured since I am so involved in real estate already, I may as well sell some if the opportunity presents itself! If you are in the Fox Valley up to the tip of Door County, I would love to help you sell your home!

p.s./warning : your property will get way more marketing attention than it needs..

My Socials

Follow my journey on socials!

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VSCO logo max krohn

What I've Built:

MK Media LLC

I have built a solid foundation for my current venture, MK Media LLC. I help real estate agent with marketing from message campaigns to drone media of their listings

NFT Collection

Creativity is something I believe everyone is born with they just need the permission to light it up. The permission comes from within and some keep that suppressed. From a young age I've loved art but had a hard time justifying the resources it took for creation (both materials and time). Enjoy my creative outlet and check out my NFT projects!

What I'm Building:

MK Media LLC

MK Media LLC is about guiding realtors on their path to success by adding value and saving them time with their busy schedules. I strive to tailor a solution to every realtor that comes to me for help.

Personal Brand

I am on a pursuit of building my personal brand so I get the opportunity to network with amazing people like you. I am fortunate for all the paths I've crossed thus far and can't wait to continue meeting amazing people.

If I've piqued your interest about something in my website/socials, I'd love to answer any questions you have! (or simply connect)

What I'm Planning To Build:

Options Investing Course

This options course will teach you way more than you need to know when it comes to mitigating or elevating your risk for potential return. I went to school for Finance at UW - Oshkosh (a reputable business school in the Midwest).

Although I took many classes on options throughout my tenure, most of my knowledge is by actual trading experience (3+ years) and different courses like this.

GHL A-Z Course

I have so much knowledge on how to navigate this up-and-coming software but I can't prioritize it due to higher value (and ROI) activities.

Rental Car Fleet

Ben Krohn, my brother, is someone I have wanted to do business with for a long time. This venture makes a lot of sense for us to build together because it requires knowledge about vehicles as well as knowledge when it comes to automations and getting everything on the business side squared away. We could not be more excited to do this together- just a matter of time.

Real Estate Empire

Real estate is honestly my biggest professional passion. My first dream job after the unrealistic NBA endeavors was to be an architect. Not even a good one! Just one who could afford to design and be around homes. That dream faded after I realized how much math was involved but part of me wishes I would've stuck to it!

My real estate investing career will start when my other ventures pick up steam.